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IAM without Assembly

If you’d like to use Continual’s IAM framework in a system that does not use Continual’s Assembly framework for component setup, you can instantiate IAM components directly in your code.

Example Code

The following code shows how you might take a username and password and authenticate the user via the IAM database interface. This example uses our AWS S3 backing store.

package io.continual.iam.examples;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import io.continual.builder.Builder.BuildFailure;
import io.continual.iam.IamDb;
import io.continual.iam.credentials.UsernamePasswordCredential;
import io.continual.iam.exceptions.IamSvcException;
import io.continual.iam.identity.Identity;
import io.continual.iam.impl.s3.S3IamDb;
* An example of using IAM components outside of the Continual Assembly framework.
public class NonAssemblyIamUse
* entry point that expects a username and password
* @param args
public static void main ( String[] args )
// get the credentials as authentication input
if ( args.length != 2 )
System.err.println ( "usage: <username> <password>" );
final String username = args[0];
final String password = args[1];
// setup our IAM database (normally done once per process at startup, not per request!)
final IamDb<?,?> db = useS3Db();
// run our authentication call
final Identity user = db.authenticate ( new UsernamePasswordCredential ( username, password ) );
if ( user != null )
System.out.println ( "Authenticated " + username );
System.err.println ( "Could not authenticate " + username );
catch ( BuildFailure | IamSvcException x )
System.err.println ( x.getMessage () );
// connect to an S3 IAM DB implementation
private static S3IamDb useS3Db () throws IamSvcException, BuildFailure
// we need some info from the environment
final String awsAccessKey = System.getenv ( "AWS_IAM_ACCESS_KEY" );
final String awsSecretKey = System.getenv ( "AWS_IAM_ACCESS_SECRET" );
final String bucketName = System.getenv ( "AWS_IAM_BUCKET" );
String pathPrefix = System.getenv ( "AWS_IAM_PATHPREFIX" );
if ( pathPrefix != null && pathPrefix.length () == 0 ) pathPrefix = null;
return new S3IamDb.Builder ()
.withAccessKey ( awsAccessKey )
.withSecretKey ( awsSecretKey )
.withBucket ( bucketName )
.withPathPrefix ( pathPrefix )
.build ()

Multisource Database

In an environment that uses a combination of identity databases (e.g. interactive users as well as interprocess “service account” users), you can wrap one or more IAM database instances inside a MultiSourceDb instance.

The example above can be adjusted to do this:

Additional Imports

import io.continual.iam.impl.MultiSourceDb;
import io.continual.iam.impl.auth0.Auth0IamDb;

Use a Multisource DB

// setup our IAM database (normally done once per process at startup, not per request!)
final IamDb<?,?> db = useMultiSrcDb ();

Build Instantiation Methods

Note that some of the non-Assembly instantiation calls on the MultiSourceDb class are very new and may not in the open-source distribution yet.

// connect to an Auth0 IAM DB implementation
private static Auth0IamDb useAuth0Db () throws IamSvcException, BuildFailure
return Auth0IamDb.fromJson ( new JSONObject ()
.put ( "domain", System.getenv ( "AUTH0_DOMAIN" ) )
.put ( "clientId", System.getenv ( "AUTH0_CLIENTID" ) )
.put ( "clientSecret", System.getenv ( "AUTH0_CLIENTSECRET" ) )
// Connect to a "multisrc-db" implementation. Here we're suppressing the raw type
// related warnings because the two databases use different internal identity classes.
// Our client code uses the top-level interfaces only.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
private static IamDb<?,?> useMultiSrcDb () throws IamSvcException, BuildFailure
final MultiSourceDb db = new MultiSourceDb ();
db.addDatabase ( useAuth0Db () );
db.addDatabase ( useS3Db () );
return db;